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VICES was born in 2015 when Timothy Pittides created a film poster for the cult classic 1936 movie, "Reefer Madness". The concept of using romantically morbid imagery with a 1930's aesthetic was a bullseye. The idea came to create two more film posters for the movie's "Cocaine Fiends" and "The Road to Ruin" that would fit into a Triptych. And doing so, the VICES series was launched.

The series began to have a life of it's own. Art prints based on the 1930's era of advertising soon followed. The idea of using beautiful women to sell products that were unhealthy, dangerous, and in some cases, lethal, showed the darker side of consumerism and society in general. VICES also dove deep into the human experience, with art prints for lust, greed, and many other natural behaviors that run through our souls.

The series continues on. And as long as there are human beings, there will be VICES.

To view the VICES series in it's entirety, visit my facebook page HERE and click the photo album "VICES". To keep up with VICES releases, sign up for my newsletter right HERE so you never miss a release.